Book Chapters
E. Ioannou, W. Nejdl, C. Niederee and Yannis Velegrakis, "Embracing Uncertainty in Entity Linking", In R. De Virgilio, F. Guerra and Y. Velegrakis (ed.), "Semantic Search over the Web", Springer, Chapter 9, pp. 223-251, 2012.
S. Bergamaschi, E. Domnori, F. Guerra, S. Rota, R. Trillo Lado and Yannis Velegrakis, "Understanding the Semantics of KeywordQueries on Relational Data Without Accessing the Instance", In R. De Virgilio, F. Guerra and Y. Velegrakis (ed.), "Semantic Search over the Web", Springer, Chapter 6, pp. 129-156, 2012.
Z. Bellahsene, A. Bonifati, F. Duchateau and Y. Velegrakis, "On Evaluating Schema Matching and Mapping", In Z. Bellahsene and A. Bonifati and E. Rahm (ed.), Schema Matching and Mapping, Springer, Chapter 9, pp. 253-292, 2011.
A. Bonifati, G. Mecca, P. Papotti and Y Velegrakis, "Discovery and Correctness of Schema Mapping Transformations", In Z. Bellahsene and A. Bonifati and E. Rahm (ed.), Schema Matching and Mapping, Springer, Chapter 5, pp. 111-148, 2011.
Y. Velegrakis, "Relational Technologies, Metadata and RDF", In R. De Virgilio and F. Giunchiglia and L. Tanca (ed.), Semantic Web Information Management: A Model-based Perspective, Springer, Chapter 4, pp. 41-66, 2010.
R. Fagin, L. M. Haas, M. Hernandez, R. J. Miller, L. Popa and Y. Velegrakis, "Clio: Schema Mapping Creation and Data Exchange", In A. Borgida and V. Chaudhri and P. Giorgini and E. Yu (ed.), Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications, Springer, pp. 198-236, 2009.
Y. Velegrakis, "Updates through Views", In L. Liu and T. M. Ozsu (ed.), Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, pp. 3244-3247, 2009.
Y. Velegrakis, "Side-Effect-Free View Updates", In L. Liu and T. M. Ozsu (ed.), Encyclopedia of Database Systems, Springer, pp. 2639-2642, 2009.
Journal Publications
D. Mottin, A. Marascu, S. B. Roy, G. Das, T. Palpanas and Y. Velegrakis, "A Holistic and Principled Approach for the Empty-Answer Problem", VLDB Journal, 2016.
D. Mottin, M. Lissandrini, T. Palpanas and Y. Velegrakis, "Exemplar Queries: A New Way of Searching", VLDB Journal, 2016.
D. Papadimitriou, G. Koutrika, J. Mylopoulos and Y. Velegrakis, "The Goal Behind the Action: Towards Goal-aware Systems and Applications", TODS, 2016.
S. Bergamaschi, D. Ferrari, F. Guerra, G. Simonini and Y. Velegrakis, "Providing insight into data source topics", Journal of Data Semantics, 2016.
E. Ioannou and Y. Velegrakis, "Searching Web 2.0 Data through Entity-Based Aggregation", Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, 2016.
S. Cadegnani, F. Guerra, S. Ilarri, M. Rodrıguez-Hernandez, R. Trillo-Lado, Y. Velegrakis, and R. Amaro, "Exploiting Linguistic Analysis on URLs for Recommending Web Pages: a comparative study", Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, 2016.
E. Sartori, Y. Velegrakis and F. Guerra, "Entity-based keyword search in web documents", Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence, 2016.
S. Bergamaschi, F. Guerra, M. Interlandi, R. Trillo-Lado and Y. Velegrakis, "Combining User and Database Perspective for Solving Keyword Queries over Relational Databases", Information Systems 55, 2016.
D. Mottin, M. Lissandrini, D. Papadimitriou, Y. Velegrakis and T. Palpanas, "Unleashing the Power of Information Graphs", SIGMOD Record, 43(4), 2014.
Davide Mottin, M. Lissandrini, Y. Velegrakis and T. Palpanas, "Exemplar Queries: Give me an Example of What You Need", Proceedings of VLDB, 7(5), 2014.
D. Mottin, A. Marascu, S. Basu Roy, G. Das, T. Palpanas and Y. Velegrakis, "A Probabilistic Optimization Framework for the Empty-Answer Problem", Proceedings of VLDB, 6(14), 2013.
D. Mottin, T. Palpanas and Y. Velegrakis, "Entity Ranking Using Click-Log Information", Intelligent Data Analysis Journal, 17(5), 2013.
E. Ioannou, N. Rassadko and Y. Velegrakis, "On Generating Benchmark Data for Entity Matching", Journal on Data Semantics, 2013.
T. Palpanas and Y. Velegrakis, "dbTrento: The Data and Information Management group at the University of Trento", SIGMOD Record, 41(3), 2012.
S. Bykau, J. Mylopoulos, F. Rizzolo and Y. Velegrakis, "On Modeling and Querying Concept Evolution", Jounral of Data Semantics, (1), pp. 31-55, 2012.
E. Ioannou, W. Nejdl, C. Niederee and Y. Velegrakis, "OntheFly Entity-Aware Query Processing in the Presence of Linkage", PVLDB, 3(1), pp. 429-438, 2010.
B. Alexe, W. C. Tan and Y. Velegrakis, "STBenchmark: towards a benchmark for mapping systems", PVLDB, 1(1), pp. 230-244, 2008.
Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller and L. Popa, "Preserving Mapping Consistency Under Schema Changes", VLDB Journal, 13(3), pp. 274-293, 2004.
P. Andritsos, A. Fuxman, A. Kementsietsidis, R. J. Miller and Y. Velegrakis, "Kanata: Adaptation and Evolution in Data Sharing Systems", SIGMOD Record, 33(4), pp. 32-37, 2004.
P. Andritsos, R. Fagin, A. Fuxman, L. Haas, M. Hernandez, H. Ho, A. Kementsietsidis, R. J. Miller, F. Nauman, L. Popa, Y. Velegrakis, C. Vilarem and L. Yan, "Schema Management", IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 25(3), pp. 32-38, 2002.
Y. Velegrakis, V. Christophides and P. Constantopoulos, "On Z39.50 wrapping and description logics", Journal of Digital Libraries, 3(3), pp. 208-220, 2000.
Refereed Publications
S. Aridhi, M. Brugnara, A. Montresor and Y. Velegrakis, "Distributed k-core Decomposition and Maintenance in Large Dynamic Graphs", In DEBS, 2016.
S. Aridhi, A. Montresor and Y. Velegrakis, "BLADYG: A novel block-centric framework for the analysis of large dynamic graphs", In HPGP, 2016.
P. Kozikowski, E. Ioannou, Y. Velegrakis and F. Guerra, "Support of Part-whole Relations in Query Answering", In IKC, 2015.
S. Cadegnani, F. Guerra1, S. Ilarri, M. Rodıguez-Herndez, R. Trillo-Lad2 and Y. Velegrakis, "Recommending Web Pages using Item-based Collaborative Filtering Approaches", In IKC, 2015.
S. Bykau, F Korn, D. Srivastava and Y. Velegrakis, "Fine-Grained Controversy Detection in Wikipedia", In ICDE, 2015.
A. Guerrieri, Montressor and Y. Velegrakis, "Top-k item identification on dynamic and distributed datasets", In EuroPar, 2014.
M. Haddad, J. Stevovic, A. Chiasera, Y. Velegrakis, and M. Hacid, "Access Control for Data Integration in Presence of Data Dependencies", In DASFAA, 2014.
I. Bedini, B. Elser and Y. Velegrakis, "The Trento Big Data Platform for Public Administration and Large Companies: Use cases and Opportunities", In Proceedings of VLDB, 6(11), 2013.
S. Bykau, J. Mylopoulos, F. Rizzolo and Y. Velegrakis, "Supporting Queries Spanning Across Phases of Evolving Artifacts using Steiner Forests", In CIKM, 2011.
S. Bergamaschi, F. Guerra, S. Rota and Y. Velegrakis, "A Hidden Markov Model Approach to Keyword-based Search over Relational Databases", In ER, 2011.
S. Bergamaschi, E. Domnori, F. Guerra, R. Trillo Lado and Y. Velegrakis, "Keyword-based Search in Data Integration Systems", In SEDB, 2011.
S. Bergamaschi, E. Domnori, F. Guerra, R. Trillo Lado and Y. Velegrakis, "Keyword Search over Relational Databases: A Metadata Approach", In SIGMOD, pp. 565-576, 2011.
S. Bergamaschi, F. Guerra, S. Rota and Y. Velegrakis, "Understanding Linked Open Data through Keyword Searching: the KEYRY approach", In LWDM, 2011.
C. Tsinaraki, Y. Velegrakis, N. and J. Mylopoulos, "A Context-based Model for the Interpretation of Polysemous Terms", In ODBASE, pp. 939-956, 2010.
S. Bykau, N. Kiyavitskaya, C. Tsinaraki and Y. Velegrakis, "Bridging the Gap Between Heterogeneous and Semantically Diverse Content of Different Disciplines", In FLEXDBIST, pp. 305-309, 2010.
E. Ioannou, C. Niederee and Y. Velegrakis, "Enabling Entity-Based Aggregators for Web 2.0 data", In WWW, pp. 1119-1120, 2010.
F. Rizzolo, Y. Velegrakis, J. Mylopoulos and S. Bykau, "Modeling Concept Evolution: A Historical Perspective", In ER, pp. 331-345, 2009.
A. Presa, Y. Velegrakis, F. Rizzolo and S. Bykau, "Modeling Associations through Intensional Attributes", In ER, pp. 315-330, 2009.
A. Morris, Y. Velegrakis and P. Bouquet, "Entity Identification on the Semantic Web", In SWAP, 2008.
T. Palpanas, J. Chaudhry, P. Andritsos and Y. Velegrakis, "Entity Data Management in OKKAM", In SWAE, pp. 729-733, 2008.
A. Chiasera, F. Casati, F. Daniel and Y. Velegrakis, "Engineering Privacy Requirements in Business Intelligence Applications", In SDM, pp. 219-228, 2008.
D. Srivastava and Y. Velegrakis, "Intensional Associations between Data and Metadata", In SIGMOD, pp. 401-412, 2007.
D. Srivastava and Y. Velegrakis, "Using Queries to Associate Metadata with Data", In ICDE, pp. 1451-1453, 2007.
Y. Kotidis, D. Srivastava and Y. Velegrakis, "Updates Through Views: A New Hope", In ICDE, pp. 13-24, 2006.
Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller and J. Mylopoulos, "Representing and Querying Data Transformations", In ICDE, pp. 81-92, 2005.
Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller and L. Popa, "Mapping Adaptation under Evolving Schemas", In VLDB, pp. 584-595, 2003.
L. Popa, Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller, M. A. Hernandez and R. Fagin, "Translating Web Data", In VLDB, pp. 598-609, 2002.
Y. Velegrakis, V. Christophides and P. Constantopoulos, "Declarative Specification of Z39.50 Wrappers by Using Description Logics", In ECDL, pp. 383-402, 1999.
Demonstration Papers
E. Ioannou and Y. Velegrakis, "EMBench: Generating Entity-Related Benchmark Data", In Proceedings of ISWC, 2014.
D. Mottin, M. Lissandrini, Y. Velegrakis and T. Palpanas, "Searching with XQ: the eXemplar Query Search Engine", In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2014.
D. Mottin, A. Marascu, S. Basu Roy, G. Das, T. Palpanas and Y. Velegrakis, "IQR: An Interactive Query Relaxation System for the Empty-Answer Problem", In Proceedings of SIGMOD, 2014.
S. Bergamaschi, F. Guerra, M. Interlandi, R. Trillo-Lado and Y. Velegrakis, "QUEST: A Keyword Search System for Relational Data based on Semantic and Machine Learning Techniques", In Proceedings of VLDB, 6(12), 2013.
S. Bykau, F. Rizzolo and Y. Velegrakis, "A Query Answering System for Data with Evolution Relationships", In SIGMOD, 2012.
S. Bergamaschi, F. Guerra, S. Rota and Y. Velegrakis, "KEYRY: a Keyword-based Search Engine over Relational Databases based on a Hidden Markov Model", In ER, 2011.
A. Katifori, C. Nikolaou, M. Platakis, Y. Ioannidis, A. Tympas, M. Koubarakis, N. Sarris, V. Tountopoulos, E. Tzoanos, S. Bykau, N. Kiyavitskaya, C. Tsinaraki and Y. Velegrakis, "The Papyrus Digital Library: Discovering History in the News", In TPDL, pp. 465-468, 2011.
E. Ioannou, W. Nejdl, C. Niederee and Y. Velegrakis, "LinkDB: A Probabilistic Linkage Database System", In SIGMOD, pp. 1307-1309, 2011.
E. Ioannou, C. Niederee and Y. Velegrakis, "A Matching Framework for Entity-Based Aggregation", In HDMS, 2010.
S. Bergamaschi, E. Domnori, F. Guerra, M. Orsini, R. T. Lado and Y. Velegrakis, "Keymantic: Semantic Keyword based Searching in Data Integration Systems", PVLDB, 3(2), pp. 1637-1640, 2010.
B. Alexe, W. C. Tan and Y. Velegrakis, "Comparing and evaluating mapping systems with STBenchmark", PVLDB, 1(2), pp. 1468-1471, 2008.
D. Srivastava and Y. Velegrakis, "MMS: Using Queries As Data Values for Metadata Management", In ICDE, pp. 1481-1482, 2007.
Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller, L. Popa and Mylopoulos, "ToMAS: A System for Adapting Mappings while Schemas Evolve", In ICDE, pp. 862, 2004.
L. Popa, M. A. Hernandez, Y. Velegrakis, R. J. Miller, F. Naumann and H. Ho, "Mapping XML and Relational Schemas with CLIO", In ICDE, 2002.
R. Fagin, M. Hernandez, R. J. Miller, L. Popa and Y. Velegrakis, "System and method for translating data from a source schema to a target schema", USA Patent 20040199905, 2004.
I. Kotidis, D. Srivastava and I. Velegrakis, "Updates Through Views", US Patent 7440957, 2008.
D. Papadimitriou, Y. Velegrakis, G. Koutrika and J. Mylopoulos, "Goals in Social Media, Information Retrieval and Intelligent Agents", In ICDE, 2015.
O. Hassanzadeh, A. Kementsietsidis and Y. Velegrakis, "Data Management Issues on the Semantic Web", In ICDE, pp. 1204-1206, 2012.
O. Hassanzadeh, A. Kementsietsidis and Y. Velegrakis, "Publishing Relational Data in the Semantic Web", In ESWC, 2011.
A. Bonifati and Y. Velegrakis, "Schema Matching and Mapping: From Usage to Evaluation", In EDBT, pp. 527-529, 2011.